Counterfeit Ink Cartridge Reporting
Canon is always striving to delight you with the outstanding quality of our products. In case if you suspect that you may have purchased counterfeit Canon ink cartridges, please report to us by filling in the form below.
The details you provide to Canon may help us to follow-up and investigate into possible infringement cases. We will keep your information strictly confidential for our investigation purpose only.
佳能致力為您提供最優質及可靠的影像產品。如您懷疑在不知情的情況下購買了偽冒佳能商標的印表機墨水匣,請填寫以下表格向佳能舉報。 您提供予佳能的資料或能幫助我們調查及跟進這些懷疑偽冒個案,而所有提供予佳能的個人資料會絕對保密,並只會用於上述調查用途。